or if he is going to frustrate his own success with his negatively conditioned reflexes.
My intuition foresees his success despite his negative inertias.
This means things are going to move fast.”
-Buckminster Fuller
In numerology 2018 is an 11 year, which is a master number with spiritual significance. There is something auspicious about this year for our growth. We are to dream and acknowledge our deepest desires and build, restructure, and manifest our dreams.
I just finished my book, Awaken Magnetic Creation, Manifesting Your Dreams, and what I learned in my research is that we have enormous mind power and we are in a co-creative partnership with the Universe. We can have what we desire; we just have to be it first. Everything that happens to us is a reflection of our thoughts and beliefs.
Our imagination is our God given powers and through imagery and sensually assuming that our desires are already here, we mold them into existence.
When we examine this year, we have a lot of Capricorn energy, a practical universal earth sign that moves slow and steady over time with perseverance. We can get things done.
On January 16th, we have the New Moon in that sign, making it a total of six planetary influences. Personally, we are to initiate our goals and move toward them one step at a time. Yet in general and collectively, Capricorn is a hierarchical sign and governs government and business structures and we have emphasis on these reforms.
New Moons are a time of new beginnings. This placement in your astrological chart is where you are to sow the seeds of your desires. Look to see where Capricorn resides in your chart.
General consensus felt that 2017 was hard on so many levels. That exact solar eclipse this summer over the United States (or maybe better expressed at this time the Divided States) could have been the forecast of all those natural disasters.
Our political scene has been an embarrassment and almost cartoonish, yet I know that our so-called leaders are instrumental in getting this long needed reform.
We were dealing with the radical Uranus in independent Aries conflicting with the intensely powerful catalytic Pluto in Capricorn. This aspect and times have been compared to the rebellious 1960’s. We are still experiencing the aftermath of this “game changer” as history as shown us, so our revolutionary changes are not over.
Yet in the overall pattern of planetary cycles, this year has a dark of the moon phase quality as it is an ending cycle for three major planets—Jupiter, Saturn and Pluto. The new cycle will be in 2020 when these three “power players” will coincide in Capricorn and we should see some transformations in government and business structures in general.
Pluto is the planet of death/rebirth, or I sometimes call, the “rotor rooter,” and while Pluto transits, we can expect breakdowns before the constructive changes in government and our economic arrangements. In fact the last time Pluto went through Capricorn was between 1762 and 1778 and we know what happened then. The colonies rebelled and a new independent nation was formed. What this tells us is that the United States will be having its Pluto return in 2020 and it rests in the house of money.
Saturn, the taskmaster and restructurer, in its own sign of Capricorn could help our evolutionary cause of improvement.
Jupiter, the benevolent and abundant teacher, in Scorpio, the sign of sex and power, could be the mirror of the “me too” epidemic, bringing sexual harassment out of the closet.
Jupiter and Saturn are the socio-economic cycles that represent expansion and contraction.
We have Neptune, the mystical escapist, also in its own sign, Pisces, and we are learning that we are truly one on the deepest level and that once we listen to our intuition and bodily wisdom we can flow with the Universal currents.
I was going to publish my first book, Awaken a New Myth, this January, but my insides were anxious, as my author platform was not in order. Now, I have decided to bring that more together and get five of my series ready and then come out in a bigger way. I feel so much better. My website. www.soul-source.org is almost finished and I will be unveiling it soon.
I would like to share with you what others are saying about Awaken a New Myth.
“The presentation style of this book is quite unique and powerful . Many quote/photos create a visual image that settles deeply in the mind and soul. I found myself pondering ideas in a new way, sometimes stopping to let the images and thoughts sink in. Even after reading it the first time, I found myself just opening it up to a random page and absorbing even more. This book is a beautiful gift to the world.”
–Cathy Webber-Zunker, Certified Clinical Hypnotist.
Reviews are gold to authors and I am looking for advocates of A Toolkit for Awakening series. I would give a free PDF or book for an honest review on Amazon. You have choices. Are you interested in reviewing the over view and the call to adventure; the ego and the Enneagram; overcoming our emotional conditioning; or the art of manifesting? Please email me at karen@soul-source.org
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