August 2, 2022

The Call to Greatness We have the evolutionary structure to fulfill our spiritual destiny today. -Alan Clay  There is an activation happening at this time. An enormous amount of light…

new hopes
January 4, 2019

In order to make the changes we need to make, we have to open to our hidden and expanded capacities that are within us. -Jean Houston   2019 is a…

April 4, 2018

Dreams are realized by your imagination. Nothing stands between you and your dreams, but facts and facts are the creations of imagining. -Neville Goddard Positive change starts with acknowledging that…

Living as Magnetic Creators
March 21, 2018

To accomplish great things, we must not only act, but also dream, not only plan, but also believe. -Anatole France We are literally living magnets. How we feel and where…

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