Awaken A New Myth

(8 customer reviews)

Goddess Warrior on the Hero’s Journey

This prescriptive model invites you through a step-by step process to awaken, manifest, and transform, shown with simple stories and pictures.

  • Separate from the Past
  • Empower your Spirituality
  • Choose the Positive and Happiness
  • Discover Meaning and Purposeful Living
  • Follow your Bliss
  • Create a Plan Powells IndieBound

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Awaken a New Myth, is an invitation and an overview to help us travel the spiritual path as a life-long excursion. Once we learn that normal consciousness is a sleepy trance, we see how awakening the brilliance of these archetypal giants gives us the keys and the map to evolve, grow, heal, and transform. After hearing the “Call to Adventure,” we are taught to see life as transparent or how our outer world reflects our inner world. We can recognize where we are on the evolutionary path as well as receive the cosmic code to be an integrated whole human being. We are to find more meaning, purpose, happiness, and “follow our bliss” as well as be encouraged to make a practical plan and take time for silence.

Awards & Achievments

  • One of the ten best inspirational books, 2017

8 reviews for Awaken A New Myth

  1. 5 out of 5

    Ty Koizumi, Poet, Journalist, Artist

    The brilliance of this book delivers an appreciation and understanding of how to awaken! Karen’s creative eyes and colorful words bring a beautifully seasoned intelligence into wisdom, and the love of life into true passion and purpose. Like a magical bridge of generous, easily digestible teaching, it inspires and empowers us in a loving and caring way. And most importantly it “unleashes,” refreshes, and revives our soulful parts.

  2. 5 out of 5

    Aspire Magazine

    “One of the ten best inspirational books.”

  3. 5 out of 5

    Donna Hamilton, PhD, MFT, Author

    “What an artistic masterpiece! This book is remarkable!
    Essential truths and reflective stories illumine the mind; as inspiring images communicate directly to the heart.”

  4. 5 out of 5

    Susan Buonocore, MA, Good Heart Studio

    “A beautifully written book, packed full of wisdom. Written with quotes and visual impacts that allow time for the information to sink in. I enjoyed the affirmations at the end of each chapter summing up what I had read. The reflective questions are a great self-help tool supporting me to go deeper into my process. Karen beautifully illustrates that the inner world is reflected in our outer world; and so to change our reality it must begin within.”

  5. 5 out of 5

    MJ Harden, Author

    “This book is a wonderful starter’s kit for spiritual growth with easy digistable profound teachings. There’s a photo with an in-depth saying on every page as a quick reminder of what the author is explaining. The quotes and insights from teachers, gurus, saints and thinkers, along with deep stories from her own life are all great reminders and important lessons.”

  6. 5 out of 5

    Kiki Howell, Bestselling Author, Yoga Teacher

    “Exciting, motivating, enlightening, and inspiring, invoking me to be my authentic self. Applies the Hero’s Journey to real life on many levels. Words are dense with meaning, the brilliance of the many pictures and quotes summarize the learning and makes this process easy. I will continue to go back through the book, using the images and quotes as wisdoms to meditate. This book will be many things to many people, all as unique as they are, and offering to meet us where we are each time we open it.”

  7. 5 out of 5

    Susan Schenck, Award-Winning Author

    “This book explains the process into light. It’s a substantial read that gently leads you on a journey. This is one unique inspirational book with lovely, stunning quotes on mini-posters. So if you don’t feel like some serious reading, you can just peruse the quotes, which I love. You can even request a special message (asking your angel, higher self) and randomly open it.”

  8. 5 out of 5

    Liz Rubin, Seeker

    Beautifully supportive and encouraging guide to realize inner joy, peace, and happiness. Visually stunning. breathtaking photos and quotes inspire and motivate. I read the book several times. It seems so simple, yet it is deep. There is so much wisdom and reflective power in Karen’s gentle reminders. It also challenges you to commit to awaken and disregard old, non-serving patterns.

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These books’ intention is to remind us that the union with the Divine is both our destiny and our birthright. We are connected and a part of the Unified Presence and we are to reclaim our power to love, to heal, and to co-create hand-in-hand with the Infinite. As we make life sacred, we find greater purpose, happiness, and creativity.


These books uses the ancient and mythological symbolism—the best of the collective unconscious archetypes—as models to awaken, transform, and manifest. When we mythologize our life, we connect our own personal struggles with the collective mysteries and perceive how to survive and thrive.


This visual series gives an easy step-by-step course to learn and evolve personally and collectively. The processes, exercises, and questions within these books can be used with a companion journal and become your own counselor. Many of the teachings presented are meant for consideration to stimulate your thinking, align with your truth, and engage your right brain. They also could be used with groups as support systems.