Awaken Female Power is an inspirational how-to manual for anyone on the spiritual journey to wholeness. It is an opportunity to commit to your process. Holistic and strongly feminine, it draws upon the masculine. When we learn to exalt the powers of the female, and combine them with the powers of the male, a creative awakening happens. This book accelerates you into the experience of the Goddess by showing how to master the unproductive aspects of your nature. Read it as a rite of passage, for it will compel you, first, to understand the personal myth that forms your present, and then to move beyond it into a grander vision that can become your future. To help you along your quest for self-discovery, there are entertaining anecdotes, drawn from ancient and modern psychological fairy tales, metaphors and myths, woven together with practical techniques, case histories, and autobiographical stories.
Terry Cole-Whittaker, Author, Minister
Awakening Female Power combines myth, legend, science, psychology, and spirituality that will create a profound effect within any woman. Karen La Puma has done a masterful job of creating a source book for the woman who is willing to access all that available to her.
Angeles Arrien, PhD, Author
A rich, encapsulating experience, a way of entering the garden of the feminine in a practical way that honors and embraces the four intelligences.
Connie Faubel, Transformation Times
I encourage everyone, men included, to read this powerful message and experience the Love and Power of the Goddess.
Virginia McCrum, Whole Life Times
Exquisite service to the reader by covering a full spectrum of related topics. Whether female or male, spiritual or scientific, aggressive or passive, holistic or segmented, there is something for everyone to learn and treasure from this guide.
Sandra McCauley, Light Center Newsletter
Has real teeth, more than a self-improvement guide, the connections between myth and modern practicality, folklore and the quest for growth in contemporary life are concrete.
Aymalee of The Light
Ingenious, a wealth of research and personal expertise brought together in wholeness and integration. A special creative adventure into the feminine and the important role it plays in all of our lives.
Maxine Rush, Homemaker
More than a book, more like a loving friend that seems to give something new each time you read it. Its tremendous insight is more like a daily reference. I feel refreshed even after reading short sections.
Susan Seddon Boulet, Artist
It’s a valuable work.
Ralph Metzner, Ph.D. Psychologist and Author
A real contribution to the quest of so many women in our time—the quest to find the sources of feminine inspiration that have lain dormant for such a long time. In a lively and evocative style, LaPuma offers symbols, metaphors and myth to help women connect with the many facets of the Goddess within—for health, creativity, relationship balance, erotic fulfillment and spiritual growth.
Jean Houston, Ph.D.
A remarkable, much needed heroine’s journey through one of the most potent and potentiating goddess archtypes… a marvelous blend of discursive and exploratory gnosis and practical and profound methodologies.
Susan Campbell, Ph.D.
“A call to awaken. Stirs ones deepest spiritual aspirations and stimulates an inner desire to live the best and truest life. LaPuma offers us more than good information in a highly readable style. She offers an experience of awakening.”
Susan Alexander, Consultant
A real contribution to the quest of so many women in our time—the quest to find the sources of feminine inspiration that have lain It’s a winner! Informative and helpful to anyone on the road to self-discovery.
Leading Edge Review
A powerful feminine model for bringing balance to the earth.
Eve Craine of KEST
Comes from knowing, gives every opportunity to empower and learn.
Carol Wright, NAPRA Trade Journey
Far meatier than its cover conveys. An excellent metaphysical primer.
Carlin Diamond, M.A. Author, Founder of Diamond W.I.S.E. School
Karen guides us through physical, emotional, mythical and spiritual levels of womanliness and strikes a resonant chord within us.
Gloria Reiser, Editor of Intuitive Explorations
Could I but afford to, I’d buy a copy for each of my clients and my friends. The book is that good.
Donna Atkinson, PHd. Author, Hypnotherapist
A Divinely inspired course. The complex is made simple and entertaining and you feel empowered by the experience.
Darlyne Diehl, Ph.D. Hypnotherapist
I highly recommend it for women of all ages, who are ready to move beyond old patterns and conditioning, into more fully receiving themselves in wholeness and magnificence.
Doreen Thirkell, Web of Light
Inspires both women and men on a path toward equality of male and female powers in an easily understood way. A tool for anyone who feels a pull toward self-discovery and self-empowerment.
Gwen Sarendrea, M.A. Counselor, Artist
Like magic fairy dust, LaPuma sprinkles thought provoking questions throughout to gently guide you into greater self-awareness. She expands your self-image by holding a mirror for you to see your multidimensional nature, then motivates and inspires you to express these goddess qualities in your life.
Kathleen Rockwell Lawrence, New Directions for Women
Motivational stories that empower and provoke change.
Miradad Center, WA
Our number two best seller.
Jackie Fortunata, Friend’s Review
Excellent, not your everyday guide, practical ways to the Goddess within.
Don Priester of Spectra
LaPuma’s strong sense of commitment to helping others is like a loving parent that provides a pragmatic road map. The beautiful petals of the wondrous feminine flower are fully blooming into the ethereal dimension, I am grateful to LaPuma for her book and its valuable insights and tools for our earthly bloom.”