Awaken from Ego, deals with our “Refusals to Answer the Call,” which is the second step of Campbell’s Hero’s Journey. As we are called to the spiritual adventure, it is important to clear the multiple ways we reject it. When we examine our judgments, reactions, beliefs, defenses, instincts, and negativity, we see how our ego is locked in its fixations and complexes.
The Enneagram maps the nine different reactions generated in order for each of us to survive. Investigating this sacred system allows us to name our fixations, where our ego naturally rests. Through an understanding of the emotional, mental, and physical types and their array of motivations, we can learn to reverse our automatic behaviors, and be guided to convert our ego to its higher meaning within Source.
Ty Koizumi, Poet, Journalist, Artist
“Compelling, entertaining, inspiring, enlightening! Karen’s words are a guiding light stirring a quiet storm inside, setting a fire in the forgotten dark and hidden places. Artistic, tasteful, and generous, this book is powerful and intelligent. She’s a true teacher that activates our spirit to reconnect to our soul, giving us a passport to healing and living well.”
Donna Hamilton, PhD, Author
“Fabulous, beautiful, an artistic masterpiece, I love the pictures. Karen felt into each selection. Just looking at the pictures deepened my understanding of the types.”
MJ Harden, Author
This is such a helpful book —the author insightfully describes the Enneagram — a model of nine personality/ ego types. From her descriptions, it’s easy to determine your own “ego type” and, once defined clearly, you can move forward in lessening and potentially eliminating the ego that all too readily runs your life.”
Beloved Heartsong, Director, LaHo-Chi Institute of Energy Healing, Musician, Composer
I loved reading this book. It is terrific! It really helped me. I’ve read other books on the Enneagram and this was way more clear, concise and informative. I figured out which type I am and now better understand my kids and parents. It’s enlightening, supportive, got so much out of it. Great Job!
Ivory Su Sidell, Hair Stylist, Healer
Beautiful books with lots of information and thoughtful quotes. What Karen has chosen to draw from demonstrates a depth of understanding and knowledge.
Patricia Greenough, Writer
Fascinating, wonderful, pure gold in terms of coaching. The wisdom is exceptional, flows so pleasingly, rich in synthesizing and pulling many disparate authorities. This is primer for beginners as well as a holistic overview for those who have been on the path for some time.
Lorren Holden, Poet, Healer
Great work, compelling material articulately and skillfully presented. The structure, ideas, and transitions support deep and far-reaching understanding. The logical flow of this transformative model is like an invitation to walk gently downhill to my truth. It is inspiring, accessible and a high demand work.
Kiki Howell, Bestselling Author, Yoga Teacher
If you have read, Awaken A New Myth by Karen La Puma, then Awaken from Ego is a must read as well. While the first book takes one on an overall journey of deep thought and inspiration, this one dives further into the nitty gritty of becoming our true selves. It goes within the Hero’s Journey that the author used in the first book, diving into the step of “Refusing the Call.” As the author says in the book, “The ways and means of this interrelated model are medicine for our soul’s dilemma.” She is so right.
Once again, as the depth and density of her words take time to really grasp, it begins the wonderful process of thinking and self-discovery. Once read through, thought about, the genius of the images and quotes makes it a great book to just grab when you need a pick-me-up, and you can be reminded of her teachings, which are so encouraging, all over again. Great series full of thought-provoking material aimed at guiding one to be a better and truer them.
Cathy Weber-Zunker, Certified Clinical Hypnotist
Awaken From Ego is a tool for creating awareness of the our parts that push away our spiritual journey. What is most unique is a powerful combination of written word and pictures. It uses both sides of the brain allowing the thoughts to settle in the mind and appeals to all the senses. It allows you to have compassion for oneself while acknowledging ones own ego as a part of our collective story. This can be considered a coffee table book – one that can be picked up and opened randomly, to find wisdom at your fingertips.
Robin Wisdom, Creative Director
Awaken From Ego helps set a positive growth path. Tools to look at and change some old belief patterns. Judgment, old sabotaging behavior, negative thoughts and behaviors…are all addressed in the Enneagram (9 different ego traits), which then allows you to recognize, and take control of this behavior. The affirmations and visual tools are a greatly facilitate the change needed to awaken your journey.
Ellie Schamber, Author, NLP Therapist
Interesting and timely work! Very helpful descriptions of the archetypical psychological and behavioral patterns called Enneagrams. Describes the illusions accompanying each personality type, and survival mechanisms, based on the false illusions of the ego. Then she offers suggestions on how to transcend these myths and awaken to our true connection with Source.
Deanna Nagle, Yoga Trainer, Leader of Woman’s Circle
This is a fascinating tool for self-discovery! A friend of mine introduced me to the Enneagram years ago but I was never quite sure of my type. Karen’s descriptions were so helpful that I think I have pinned it down at last! I find it very interesting to learn about my Enneagram type as well as the type of friends and loved ones – it helps me understand myself and my relationships with others. This is a book I have returned to again and again since finishing – I revisit often to look at the different types and how they relate to my past as well as my future. As with each of Karen’s books that I have read, there is so much insight and depth of knowledge that I find personally satisfying. As a yoga teacher, I find her writing resonates with many of the teachings of yoga that I have learned over the years. Karen’s books help us wake up to our true self and reach to our highest potential, much like the practice of yoga. She is obviously well studied and well-read, as she draws upon the knowledge of many authors and traditions, grounding her work in truth and wisdom.
Carole M. Pope, Attorney
I had never studied the Enneagram. The author provided a wonderful, easy to follow explanation of the different types together with penetrating questions designed to make you think about your own ego, and its effect on the decisions you make in your life. It is a fascinating journey into personality types. As with her other books in her toolkit series, I reviewed the photographs and quotes first, which starts the mind thinking. Beautifully created and written.
Justen Hager
This book really gives an accessible understanding of many of the Ideas that are necessary to understand the world, ourselves and those we interact with. I do not identify with many of the word choices and feel that gender neutrality would distract less from the real valuable points when being read by people that strongly identify with separateness. That being said read it over, let it sink in, try to identify the people you interact with, and get to know yourself. When you are done keep it around and open it at random for some inspirational fuel.
Suzette Alvarado
An outstanding and wonderful book! So much wisdom and help in this book…highly recommended for anyone seeking understanding of self, and loved ones!
Ann Miszczak
This book really helped open my mind about the Enneagram. Reading this series has truly helped deepen my sense of self and do so in a way that I really feel empowered.
Janine Davis
If there is anything I needed help with the most it would be Ego. Thanks Karen for taking the time to put together this amazing tool to help me see what I needed to see to be able to move on. Insightful, thoughtful, & enlightening!! Brilliant work.
Ivory Su Sidell, Hairdresser, Hypnotherapist
Karen brings together wisdom from many sources to inspire and aid in our journey. The pictures and the words together support the experience in growth.