These Cosmic Times are Calling Us to Grow

Any change, even a change for the better,
is always accompanied by discomforts.

-Arnold Bennett


2020 is the year everything changed. The next two and half months will be the most intense of the year. We are in the death throes of the old regime. A pandemic, a divided country and a combative Presidential race are threatening the democracy of the USA. Social unrest, racial injustices, economic challenges, and natural disasters rage through the world. These are global issues, which are causing wide sweeping changes.

Personally, we are going through a transformation and need to purge all the ways that don’t work anymore. It is both challenging and uncomfortable.

The Full Moon at 9 Aries 8 on Thursday, October 1 at 2:05 pm PDT deals with the “me versus others” polarity. This Full Moon challenges Uranus (the revolutionary), which emphasizes freedom, rebellion and the need to express our individual rights. Emotions are high and may be affecting our personal conditioning. The Moon conjuncts Chiron (the wounded healer). Watch carefully to see how you can change your wounding into a strength.


Mars is retrograde in its own sign, Aries (emphasizing aggression of the individual). It is in a conjunction with Eris (the revealer of discord) exact on Oct 3rd. This combination is a sign of standing up and protesting to what is wrong. Black Moon Lilith (a raw, primitive and untamed instinctive energy) also in Aries adds to the unrest.

All three are in conflict with the “heavies” in Capricorn (authority, power structures, and government). Saturn in its own sign is standing still as it goes direct, which intensifies limitations and controls and amplifies the battle. This was evident in the unruly first Presidential debate.

On October 4th Pluto (death/rebirth) in Capricorn goes direct, which emphasizes power issues. From October 5th to the 12th, Pluto squares Mars. This volatile and ruthless aspect deals with the collective tension of unresolved issues.

From October 13th to the 18th, the Sun in Libra creates a combative Cardinal T-square. It opposes the intense Aries planets and squares the heavy Capricorn planets.

Mars is retrograde until November 13. This retrograde emphasizes the aggression of Mars.

On October 13th Mercury in Scorpio goes retrograde until election day on November 3. We will not know who is President on that day. From October 6th to the 9th Mercury opposes Uranus, which could denote miscommunications and surprising news.

As a long-term tendency, Neptune (the Mystical Escapist) forms a square with the Nodal Axis (collective trends). From this, we do not know what is true and what is false.

Astrologically hope is seen through the current aspect of Haumea (regeneration and fertility) in Libra that connects with the Capricorn and Aries planets. In addition, we will begin a new social economic cycle in friendly, humanitarian Aquarius with the conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn on December 21.

The promise of our future is in each of us. We can take a leap in consciousness by not getting caught up in the compelling mundane drama. If we raise our vibration with spiritual practices and keep remembering a deeper Self, we can create a different world.

Here are some reminders to keep your vibration positive:

  • Focus on what you want, not what you don’t want. Keep your mind on what is good, what is working and what you appreciate in your life and in the world.
  • Live from your heart by loving and allowing others. Let go of all struggle, drama and control.
  • Choose your words wisely to speak kindly.
  • Take responsibility for your time, attention, and intention.
  • Get grounded in your body by exercising with conscious breathing.
  • Make life sacred. Consciously choose to reconnect with the Divine. Pray. Mediate. Imagine what it is to be your Divine Self. Live with nature, not against it.
  • As Gandhi said, “Be the change you want to see in the world.” Set new and higher intentions.
  • Choose each moment to live from a lighter and loving frequency.

These are bumpy and disturbing times. Yet, there are opportunities for us to recreate and evolve into greater human beings. There is a Divine plan working through and with us. Stay connected to this truth and believe in a better and just world. Then do your part to choose Love and Light.

Click to Watch this short video for more information.

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Let’s make this world a better place together by becoming a part of this bigger mission.

Until next time, I wish you many blessings.

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