Understanding the Intensity of these Times

These are interesting times. First off we have 7 planetary bodies retrograde (Mercury, Mars, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto, and Chiron). It is time to rethink, revise, reboot, regroup, and go deeper within to heal. All these planets that appear to be moving backward are calling for a subjective phase in our growth. We are to self-examine and look to where we have been and see how our actions led us to where we are today. It is about being accountable for whatever is happening in our lives.

Are you feeling tired or disoriented?

Are you having a hard time moving ahead on your projects?

Have you noticed that others are moving, leaving, or feeling abrupt changes?

Can you turn away from the world awhile to find your inner strength?

Can you let hope fill your heart and maintain a positive vision?

Right now there are also some auspicious and promising alignments. The last of the three eclipses, called the Lion Heart Eclipse, has some awesome and intense aspects. Friday August 11 at 2:57 am PDT, this super powered new moon is at 18 Leo 42 and it’s the time to initiate new things.

lion with girls

The eclipse energies are profound and can last for 6 months after the exact date.

The two solar eclipses, one on July 12 and on August 11 have close, intense, energizing yet, challenging aspects with Pluto, (an opposition and an inconjunct.) In 2006 Pluto (Cathartic Death/Rebirth) was relegated to a “dwarf planet” by the International Astronomical Union, but any astrologer who has watched the affects of this far away planet knows it intensely demands deep cleansing and transformation.

Do you know which house or area of your life Leo rules in your
astrological chart?

What attitude, person or thing needs to be let go of or adjusted in your life?

Are there any self-defeating habits or an inner critic that needs to be eliminated?

That exact lunar eclipse on July 27 (a supercharged full moon in progressive Aquarius opposing Sun in playful fiery Leo) was sandwiched between a retrograde Mars (Energy and Drive) and the South Node (Path of the Past) and square Uranus (Revolutionary Change). These erratic aspects continue to be played out. One of its affects is showing up on earth as severe weather patterns.

Cathy Coleman (www.cathycolman.co) quoted the headline post in The Quartz Daily Brief (qz.com) on Saturday, July 28th, in her astrological blog.

“The world is suffering from extreme weather. Heat waves have killed 50 in Canada and 80 in Japan, caused drought in Germany and Scandinavia, set record temperatures in Algeria, Morocco, and Oman, and left the UK looking brown from space. The heat has spurred wildfires that have claimed at least 80 lives in Greece, melted electrical wires in California, and forced Sweden to call for international help. This is not normal.”

Here in California we are having so many raging fires. (The count could be as high as 80 including the Mendocino Complex Fire, the largest in the state’s history.) It is disconcerting and unsettling as the sky is hazy and the sun is orange. I pray for all the people and creatures that are affected and ask you to do so too.

This partial solar eclipse on August 11 is in Leo. Leo rules the heart, giving love and the house of children, so we would benefit if our adult self would communicate with our inner child because it absorbed our conditioning we received as children.

What is your deepest calling?

Can you truly open to your deepest heart’s desires?

Can you ask your inner child what it feels, wants and needs?

Can you offer love, support and compassion to any hurt and pain that you might be feeling?

This Leo eclipse also conjuncts Mercury (Mind) and the asteroid Pallas Athena (Creative Intelligence) and squares Jupiter (Expansion and Higher Truth) in intense Scorpio, which could be extremely lucky and abundant.

Can you set and focus on your intentions?

Can you listen to your intuition and follow any hunches you receive for lucrative ideas and business connections?

It also has a minor energizing and challenging aspect with Saturn (Task Master), which is reminding us to be patient and apply self-control and discipline.

There is a T-square with Venus (Love and Resource) in relationship-oriented Libra and Saturn (Restriction, Limitations and Foundations) in practical Capricorn, and Chiron (Wounded Healer) in independent Aries. We are being called to restructure our relationships.

Do you feel you are at a critical turning point that is testing your patience and your ability to stay calm and accept what Is?

Can you balance by finding your own spiritual center point?

Can you find a peaceful way to resolve issues and to suspend any arguments with others with good will for their benefit and for the good of the whole?

Are you willing to dig deep to understand your true motives?

There is more celestial assistance available now. Jupiter (Philosophical and Expansive) is in an easy water trine with Neptune (Mystical Escapist). We are able to access a higher perspective that enables us to see the way to compassion and forgiveness.

Also there is a unique planetary alignment with the star Sirius, the earth and the sun creating an opening between the physical and spiritual worlds. Called The Lion’s Gate portal, it is a doorway of accelerated awakening. This powerful energy portal fully opens on August 8th and remains active through August 25th.

Astrologer Alex Myles writes: “Sirius is associated with new beginnings new insights, new insight, new awareness, new thinking and new, heightened levels of conscious awaking. The surge of light waves emanating from Sirius carry an influx of divine wisdom and advanced knowledge from higher realms that stream toward our planet, and when integrated through our energy field, awaken our consciousness, activate our DNA, and accelerate our personal and spiritual evolution. This energy may cause increased anxiety, irritability, frustration, impatience and lethargy, as we reach a major junction in our lives that there’s no going back from.”

Astrologer M. Kelley Hunter writes: “New ‘Waves of Grace‘ are entering our solar system and sweeping through our cells. This is altering the whole molecular structure of Earth and all creatures with a wash of higher frequency. This is giving rise to anxiety as many of us are arguing with ourselves about our lives, concepts and belief systems. Many feel a loss of control. We can be kind and compassionate as well as grounded and centered in our higher Self, without getting out of balance to accommodate others.”

It is a bumpy, expansive opportunistic ride, so steady yourself, hone your plans and envision new possibilities.

Mercury goes direct August 18; Mars regresses back into Capricorn and goes direct on August 27; Saturn move forward on September 6 and Pluto on September 30.

When you are ready for action, you will be in a different place and so will your playing field.  Happy journey, and remember the process is the goal.

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